Election 2022
Final Election Results
The canvass board has finalized the official vote count from the May 3rd, 2022 election.
View the certification of official results.
Preliminary Election Results
Shown below is the Preliminary Judge’s Abstract of Votes for the May 3, 2022 election for the Inspiration Metropolitan District.
The count will be completed on May 11, 2022. Please note that the results are not final until the Canvass Board has met and certified the Election results.
Scroll down to read candidate Q&As
TUESDAY, MAY 3, 2022
NOTICE is hereby given that an independent mail ballot election will be held by Inspiration
Metropolitan District in the City of Aurora, County of Douglas, State of Colorado (the “District”) on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.
This election will be conducted as an independent mail ballot election only. Mail ballots will be mailed to eligible electors between April 11, 2022 and April 18, 2022.
Office of the Designated Election Official
2154 E. Commons Avenue, Suite 2000
Centennial, Colorado 80122
Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., April 11, 2022 through May 2, 2022, and Tuesday, May 3, 2022 between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The names of persons nominated as Director to serve until May 2025 (two seats to be voted upon):
Larry A. Ortega
Maurice R. Smith
Rick Brian Forsman
Thomas P. Norton
By: /s/ Ashley B. Frisbie
Designated Election Official
Board Candidate Q & A
Where do you live and how long have you lived there?
Larry A. Ortega
My family and I purchased a next generation home in the Inspiration Community in 2021.
Maurice R. Smith
I live in the all-ages side of Inspiration (Zante St) and have been a resident since January 2013.
Rick Brian Forsman
My wife and I have enjoyed living in the Hilltop neighborhood for nearly four years.
Thomas P. Norton
Phase II of the Toll Bros 55+ community. Been here since January 2018
Please provide a brief description of your background and experience.
Larry A. Ortega
I am a retired Army Veteran working part time at a local Home Depot.
I have worked in different administration levels while serving in the military. The military provided opportunities for leadership, being a team member, and fiscal oversight. The military also taught me to live by the Army Values; loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity, and personal courage.
Maurice R. Smith
In my day job, I serve as a Deputy Director and Project Lead for a major government-wide web software development project. My background is in Information Technology, Telecommunications, Organizational Development, and Marketing and Communications. I have a Federal Acquisition Certification in Program and Project Management, Level 3. (This is the highest level of the Government’s equivalent to PMP certification.) I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Information Systems Management and a master’s degree in Organizational Development and Executive Management.
I am one of the original founders of the Inspiration Common Area Committee (CAC) and was a part of that committee for more than three years. Currently, I am serving as Secretary on the Inspiration Metropolitan District Board of Directors. I have been in this position since October 2021.
Rick Brian Forsman
My career has focused on information management and large project oversight. I retired after 20 years at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus, serving as director of the health sciences library and responsible for planning and construction of a $35M new library at Fitzsimons. At CU I led the introduction of online journals and books for the 4 campuses, one example of extensive experience in bringing up new digital technologies for a disparate audience.
I have graduate degrees in information management and organizational behavior, including group process skills. My strategic planning background encompasses being a planning consultant to the Univ. of Denver.
Through professional service in a client-oriented environment I have extensive experience and skills in networking and collaboration. For example, I served four years (one as chair) on the international body that accredits graduate education programs in information management in the U.S. and Canada. As chair I forged positive relationships with professional associations, government agencies in both countries, deans of individual programs, and students.
During 3 years on Aurora’s Art in Public Places Commission I learned how to work with city departments and abide by Colorado’s open records laws. From this background I offered suggestions for Inspirations’ 3 public art installations.
Thomas P. Norton
Professional background: 36 years in F500 companies in consumer packaged goods, database marketing, and payments industries. (Kraft/General Foods, Citibank, Western Union, First Data) I held V level positions in marketing, sales, M&A, new products leadership roles and managed P&L’s. Six years in startups as an SVP–big money, big risk–in the payroll card and money transfer industries. Personal: community Board in the Highwoods and rep to Highlands Ranch HOA ’96-’02. (wow, were those meetings “unique.”) Community Board in Henderson, NV ’06 to ’12. Here, I was a member of the Hilltop Resident Advisory Board in ’18 and ’19 and still serve on our Finance Committee and the District CAC.
Why do you want to serve on the Metro District Board?
Larry A. Ortega
My family and I plan to live in the community for many years. I would like to safeguard the property value as well as help families living in the community. I enjoy meeting new people and working with others to problem solve. While serving in the Army, I enjoyed working with a group to reach a decision and plan missions.[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]
Maurice R. Smith
I want to continue on the District’s Board of Directors to remain engaged with the Inspiration community. I think it is important that residents are fairly and accurately represented in the decision-making processes that impact their homes and neighborhoods. I believe I am able to objectively and thoughtfully consider all points when issues arise, while keeping the greater goals of the community in mind. I also enjoy understanding and influencing how we get to a decision. Self-determination is important to me and I want to help Inspiration become a community that truly represents the interests of its residents.
Rick Brian Forsman
Inspiration is a unique place with its emphasis on and opportunities for community engagement and resident interaction. My wife and I love the large number of new friendships we have found here, and are grateful for the way the resident-controlled district Board has reshaped its priorities and finds solutions for neighborhood issues that had been neglected. I would like to join other Board members in furthering these changes and addressing what is most important to homeowners. The Board has instituted a long-term approach to planning that I admire and can contribute to with my strategic planning skills.
In 2019 I pointed out that irrigation and maintenance of district common areas constitute nearly 50% of our annual operating budget and directly affect resident assessments. Since then I have been a self-appointed change agent, working with the Common Area Committee and the Board to initiate water conservation to reduce future costs. I have been the lead in creating a strong relationship with the city Water Dept., gained access to usage data for all the water meters in the district, run monthly meetings for the water project, and provide monthly reports to the CAC and the Board at its request. My leadership has been key to progress in this area. My networking skills and experience with smart technology and digital networks are extremely useful in this work. But I am only an unofficial volunteer and could be more effective in a formal role on the Board.
Thomas P. Norton
First, because I believe the tariff for community enjoyment is community contribution and commitment. Like it here? then participate and help augment the place! Second, because in semi-humility (yes, I am about to applaud myself) I believe I can be a reliable and sincere, prepared member of what continues to be a well-oiled machine.
Since I am retired, time is my biggest asset. My only real “schedule” involves my guitar students and my personal obligation to see that every medical professional has a great vacation each year. We are not big travelers. Other than that, community members know I will show up. I will do the work before and after. I led creation of processes and initiatives. (District common area turnover protocols, for instance) My conduct is collaborative, detailed, and decisive. And my sense of humor can take the static level down.
Have you attended or participated in Inspiration’s Board Meetings or Committee Meetings, or do you have prior experience at another community?
Larry A. Ortega
I attended HOA meetings while living in Massachuetts in a condo community.
Maurice R. Smith
I have been on the District’s Board of Directors as Secretary for approximately 6 months and have thoroughly enjoyed the experience. I am extremely impressed with all of the hard work from the various resident-led committees. The Finance Committee has done a tremendous job managing the District’s money, positioning us to be financially solvent for many years to come. The Common Area Committee has been actively finding ways to improve the community’s property through public art, water conservation, and enhanced maintenance practices. They have held the developer accountable for tract turnover so residents do not bear the brunt of inheriting poorly maintained common areas. The Architectural Committee ensures our homes maintain a standard that is consistent with the look and feel of the community. Collectively, these committees ensure our property values continue to rise and our neighborhood stays safe and desirable.
The District Board is often responsible for making tough decisions related to the recommendations from these committees on behalf of the residents. I have seen, first hand, how a seemingly simple topic can get complex very quickly and tough decisions are necessary. I try to bring a different perspective to the table when discussing difficult topics and always consider the benefits to the community as a whole (and any long term consequences) when casting my votes. I am proud to have been a part of this process for the past 6 months and wish to continue that journey.
Rick Brian Forsman
Over the past 3 years I have attended and spoken in meetings of the Common Area Committee and the Board. It is a personal priority to attend district and Hilltop Board meetings and to bring issues to the attention of both. I am well known by all current district Board members. I have participated in community outdoor cleanup efforts and attend summer concerts.
On the Hilltop side I have served since the formation of the Governing Documents Committee in 2020, which gives me detailed knowledge of the Bylaws and CC&Rs for both Hilltop and the district. The GDC has submitted dozens of recommendations for changes to operating policies as well as issues requiring legal review and action. The GDC is currently selecting a legal firm to create new Bylaws and CC&Rs as Hilltop transitions to a resident-controlled Board like the district, which provides parallel understanding of Board fundamentals and requires a deep understanding of the relationship between the Board and its attorney.
As co-leader of the Hilltop Wine Club, I have been involved in setting up small tasting groups for our 150+ members over the past 3 years. In cooperation with the Veterans Club we solicited 80 donations and held a highly successful silent auction on March 13. This netted over $9,300 in support for two local charities and meals for refugees from Ukraine.
Thomas P. Norton
Both. I also join the Hilltop Board meetings and really strive to manage my deportment therein.
Applicable community chops are mentioned above.
Do you have any goals you wish to accomplish if elected?
Larry A. Ortega
Continue boosting transparency and communications from board members with residents
Reviewing the rules from the HOA to address any possible changes
Increasing overall safety in the neighborhoods
Continue boosting community participation in HOA activities
Maurice R. Smith
Final homes will be complete in 2-3 years. I want to ensure the transition from the developer to the District is smooth. Specifically, my main focus would be to hold the developer accountable to their commitments and responsibilities. Once they are gone, we will likely never hear from them again. A successful transition will set the trajectory of the Inspiration community for the foreseeable future. A static set of homes requires a different approach to property management and finances. I hope to be a part of that new start.
I would also like to influence the design and construction of the new community building to ensure the facility is one that is practical and useful for residents, residential committees, and Metro District partners. I want to avoid the previous pool debacle where many residents (including myself) thought they were getting one thing and then realized (too late) that we were getting something much less desirable.
Finally, I would like to see all of the recommended projects of the CAC be completed. I want to be their advocate on the Board to ensure their work is supported and funded. I believe their recommendations will dramatically improve the community as a whole and save money. Many of those projects were in development when I was on the CAC a few years ago. It would be gratifying to see that work through to completion (e.g. new dog park, new events center at Pathfinder Park, trail connections, irrigation repairs, water conservation project, etc.)
Rick Brian Forsman
1. Ensure a successful water conservation program that saves the district and residents money.
2. Expand the conservation program to work with residents in achieving similar saving and greater understanding of how and why to conserve water in our high desert environment.
3. Continue the greater efficiences in district management practices implemented since residents attained control of the Board.
4. Seek ways to further community integration and involvement of more residents.
5. Expand resident education about district ‘basics’: fiscal fundamentals, factors that determine assessments, choices for expenditure of district funds, relationship to Hilltop, etc.
Thomas P. Norton
Not “goals” so much as focus areas:
-We should “futureproof” Inspiration. Work is now underway on a storage area to house equipment that will support localized maintenance and projects. I am involved in those discussions. We should continue stackranking and delivering amenity additions and remediations–the dog park, doggie stations, birdhouses, benches. Find trees that live. Events that will appeal broadly. A hard look needs to be taken at options for space and office resources. Where can folks in the all-ages side organize a food drive and store stuff? Not sure if this is build or buy (the Toll Bros office). Are there staff adds we should consider?
-Then there is the possibility of incremental services. For instance, plowing the streets because Aurora will only do it when pterodactyls fly again. (don’t care that “Aurora owns the streets.” We ARE Aurora. There are Hilltoppers who need to get to chemo and dialysis) Should we explore some daycare possibilities (outsourced)? Summer programs for the kids?
-The Bond refinancing was an incredible initiative and a credit to the Finance Committee. In the outyears we should frankly assess more community investment of the savings (while flatlining the dues) vs a dues adjustment. On the CAC I have heard some big numbers for projects. I support them. But the Board must guard against becoming spendthrifts.
Call for Nominations
Deadline has passed. The deadline to submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form was the close of business (5:00p.m.) on Friday, February 25, 2022.
An election has been triggered with four candidates self-nominating for two vacant seats.
- Larry A. Ortega
- Maurice R. Smith
- Rick Brian Forsman
- Thomas P. Norton
§§ 1-13.5-501; 1-13.5-303, C.R.S.
TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, and, particularly, to the eligible electors of the Inspiration Metropolitan District City of Aurora, Douglas County, Colorado (the “District”).
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an election will be held on May 3, 2022, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. At that time two (2) directors will be elected to serve until May 2025. Eligible electors of the District interested in serving on the board of directors may obtain a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form from the Designated Election Official (“DEO”) at https://whitebearankele.com/.
The deadline to submit a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form is the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Friday, February 25, 2022. If the DEO determines a Self-Nomination and Acceptance Form is not sufficient, the form may be amended prior to 5:00 p.m. on February 25, 2022. Earlier submittal is encouraged as the deadline will not permit curing of an insufficient form after this date and time. An Affidavit of Intent to be a Write-In Candidate must be submitted to the office of the DEO by the close of business (5:00 p.m.) on Monday, February 28, 2022.
NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that information on obtaining an absentee ballot may be obtained from the DEO, and applications for an absentee ballot must be filed with the DEO no later than the close of business on April 26, 2022. You may contact the DEO’s office at (303) 858-1800.
By: Designated Election OfficialGo to Self-Nomination & Acceptance Form