Finance Committee

Committee Purpose

The mission of the Finance Committee is to utilize residents’ finance experience and expertise to assist and advise the Board of Directors in financial matters and provide greater understanding of the District’s financial information to the resident community.

Committee Meetings

The Finance Committee meets the first Monday of each month at 5:30pm. Meetings are open to all Inspiration residents. Agendas for upcoming meetings are posted below, and replaced with meeting minutes once they’ve been approved at the following meeting. Visit the District Event Calendar for upcoming meeting times and Zoom information.


Budgets, financial statements, and the reserve study can be found on the Financials page

Finance Committee Charter
Committee Code of Conduct
Committee Member Application Form or PDF version

Committee Members

David Bourcier – ChairBob LeGare – Board Liaison
Ken Barritt – Vice ChairSharon Macway – Secretary
Mike GulanJon Doyle
Linda Arms 

Committee charter calls for 5-9 members.

Resident Education Initiatives

One goal of the Finance Committee is to provide greater understanding of the District’s financials to Inspiration residents. 


An overview of the District’s debt obligation, finances, and infrastructure projects was presented at the Annual Town Hall Meeting on Nov. 29th, 2023. 

Annual Meeting Town Hall Presentation


An informational session was presented at multiple in-person events in 2022. The presentation may be viewed via the link below:

How Your District Money is Collected and Spent.


A series of presentations was provided in 2021.

Fund Overview Presentation slides – 3/31/2021

Budget Overview Education Presentation slides – 4/22/2021

Reserve Study and Long-Range Financial Model Education Presentation slides – 6/30/2021

Bond Overview Education Presentation slides – 8/25/2021