Developer Updates

Tract Map

Use the attached PDF for a black and white version of the Tract map with clear street names.

The map shows the filing numbers and tract designations. A location could be referred to, for example, as Filing 16, Tract B.

Reminder of Property Guidelines

Working on home landscape enhancements? It’s exciting to move into a new home and make it yours. As you are embarking on backyard landscaping or home enhancements or even enhancements to your current landscaping, please make sure to follow these community rules:

  • Empty lots, lots under construction, and common area are owned by either the builder, the developer, or the Metro District
  • Access to empty lots, lots under construction or common areas, including vehicular access, without explicit permission by the property owner is prohibited.
  • Unauthorized access constitutes trespassing.
  • You are responsible for informing anyone hired to work on your property.
  • Using the common area to deliver materials to your property is prohibited as is the removal of any portion of the common fence for access.
  • Empty lots and dumpsters are private property. Dumping by anyone without owner permission is prohibited.
  • Materials delivered to empty lots and to the street are private property. Don’t take materials without permission.
  • Do not throw yard or pet waste into the common area. It stifles native grass growth and encourages rodent/insect habitation.
  • Do not apply any material to weeds in the common area or mow any area in the common area even along a common fence adjacent to your lot.

Update December 13th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

View the December 13th developer update presentation slides.

Update November 8th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

View the November 8th developer update presentation slides.

Update October 11th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

View the October 11th developer update presentation slides.

Update September 12th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

View the September 12th developer update presentation slides.

Update August 9th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

Janelle Kelley provided an update on current developer project status including the Pathfinder Park improvements and future dog park.

View the August 9th developer update presentation slides.

Update July 20th, 2022 – Filing 19 Shade Structure and Pathfinder Park Improvements Drawing

Filing 19 will have a pergola structure designed to have shade panels installed on top to create more shade. Panels like this will cover the entire top of the structure. Filing 19 is in the SW corner of Inspiration.

Please see below for a look at the upcoming Pathfinder Park improvements.

Update July 12th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

Janelle Kelley provided an update on current developer project status including the Pathfinder Park improvements and future dog park.

View the July 12th developer update presentation slides.

Update June 14th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

Janelle Kelley provided an update on current developer project status including the Pathfinder Park improvements and future dog park.

View the June 14th developer update presentation slides.

Update April 22nd, 2022 – Skate / Bike Features

Skating and bike features are being installed near Pathfinder Park by the developer. Click the link below to view the plan drawings.

Bike and Skate Element Plan Drawings

Update 6/3/22: Construction work on and around the obstacles is not finished and  outside visitors have interfered with the crews. As a result, the contractor has installed fencing around the obstacles restricting access. Signage with rules for using the obstacles amenity adjacent to the trail will be posted before the obstacles are opened.

Update March 22nd, 2022 – Terraseeding Application

Terraseeding is a one-step process to blow in soil mixture and inject native grass seed evenly using a computerized truck and a large hose. Germination of new native grass occurs in seven days. Brookfield Properties has contracted with Express Mulch to perform terraseeding, as weather permits, in the areas marked on the map.

Update March 8th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

Brookfield Properties / Newland provided an update on current construction projects and plans prior to the March 8th Board Meeting. The soft surface trails on the eastern side of the development are under construction now. Erosion control is being finished at Pathfinder Park for city approval before concrete is poured to create the new iteration of the sports court and pad for the new shelter. The vault restrooms will likely be started around the end of April.

View the March 8th developer update presentation slides.

Update February 8th, 2022 – Developer Update Presentation

Brookfield Properties / Newland provided an update on current construction projects and plans prior to the Feb. 8th Board Meeting.

View the February 8th developer update presentation slides.

Update December 13th 2021 – Filing 19 NAC and overall development update

Janelle Kelley from Brookfield / Newland will provide an update via Zoom on December 14th for District residents on the development projects they’re working on.

View the Developer Update Presentation.

  • Current construction status: Filing 15 phase 1 and 2, filing 16, filing 17, filing 18 (see filing map)
  • Filing 19 NAC general overview (see NAC plan image below)
  • Pathfinder Park construction
  • Inspiration Lane to Inspiration Club trail construction
  • Landscape work in filing 8 and filing 10 phase 2
  • Public Art

Here is a preview of the plans for the Filing 19 NAC (park). Filing 19 is on the southwest edge of the Inspiration community where new homes are not yet built.


Update September 22nd 2021 – Pathfinder Park Shade Pavilion

The new Shade Pavilion at Pathfinder Park will be reservable for gatherings of up to 50 people after it has been constructed. The shade shelter will measure 40 feet by 50 feet with picnic tables and a turf lawn.

There will be a vault-style restroom building added to Pathfinder Park, near the parking lot. Two unisex restrooms will be contained in the structure, with no sinks, and no running water or sewer line. Mechanical punch-lock door handles will restrict access to residents only. The restroom drawings are included in our May 5th update below.

The hockey rink / sport court has been partially demolished and is currently fenced off. Flat space at Pathfinder Park was needed to be able to add the shade pavilion. The sport court will be rebuilt as a new court measuring 50% of the original size. The post-tensioned concrete slab must be removed and rebuilt to the new dimensions, as the court cannot have partial concrete removed without compromising the entire pad. Sport lines will be redrawn on the remaining portion of the sport court.

The start of construction work has been delayed from the original schedule. The City of Aurora, just prior to issuing final permits this summer, requested that the developer separate the improvement work into individually-permitted projects in order to minimize disruption across the residential neighborhood. Construction will begin once permits are finalized and work crews have been rescheduled.

The dog park will be the first new amenity to be finished, although we do not yet have an opening date. We will provide further updates as development progresses.

Update May 5th 2021 – Pathfinder Park Improvements & Happy Tails Dog Park

Signs have been placed at Pathfinder Park to alert residents that planned construction will be underway soon for the improvements at Pathfinder Park. These improvements have been requested by members of the community and have been vetted over the course of quite a few public Board meetings. For concerns, please contract the District’s management team via email [email protected] .

– There will be a shade shelter measuring 40′ x 50′ with picnic tables and a turf lawn.
– 50% of the existing court area will be removed to make room for the shelter.
– Sport lines will be redrawn on the remaining portion of the sport court.
– The vault-style restroom building will have two restrooms. There is no running water or sewer line. There will be mechanical punch-lock door handles to restrict access to residents only.

March 30th, 2021 – Public Art “Mountain Flowers

You are invited to participate in the Inspiration Community Public Art Project: Mountain Flower Bench

You have probably seen Clay, the black bear, at Picnic Park. Just as the community helped create Clay, now we have the opportunity to create a bench! We will be working with Concrete Couch to create and install tiles for a bench to be located east of Pathfinder Park along the trail.

Available times:Saturday May 15th and May 22nd: 10am-11:30am, 12pm-1:30pm and 2pm-3:30pmSunday May 16th and May 23rd: 10am-11:30am, 12pm-1:30pm and 2pm-3:30pmLocation: Shelter on E Eads Dr.


December 15th, 2020 – Inspiration Lane and Gartrell Road Median Reconstruction

Construction at Inspiration Lane and Gartrell Road is expected to last through the end of January, weather permitting, as the city of Aurora makes improvements to the median. They are creating a “bull nose” median, so it is easier for larger trucks and vehicles to turn at that intersection. All work will be done by the city of Aurora, on the cities timeline. When crews are present, there will be a detour rerouting southbound Inspiration Lane traffic from Gartrell over to Inspiration Drive.


September 8th, 2020 – Developer Updates

This includes updates for:
• Gartrell Rd and Inspiration Dr Connection
• New Landscape Construction Updates
º Filing 8
º Filing 10 PH2
º Filing 15
º Filing 16 NAC: The Hangout
º Filing 17 NAC: The Watering Hole

(see attached PDF below)

Developer Update 09082020

September 1st, 2020 – Black Bear Community Art Project

Newland has contracted with a local artist community, Concrete Couch, to create and install a tile-covered black bear sculpture at the new NAC park at 22709 E Rockinghorse Pkwy. Residents can help.

July 22nd, 2020 – Developer landscape update

Filing 8 Tract A and F & Filing 10 Phase 2

Developer Updates 07222020

July 16th, 2020 – Developer landscape update

New seed has (or will soon be) placed in common areas around Filing 8 and Filing 10.

Please do not walk or allow your pets to do their ‘business’ on newly seeded areas. Native vegetation is especially fragile when the seed is germinating. Even humans and pets walking on new seed can cause damage and hinder establishment.

Developer Landscape Update 07162020

July 9th, 2020 – Mailbox kiosk update

An application for revisions to the curb in front of the mailbox kiosk in Filing 10, Phase 2 was submitted to the City of Aurora on March 3.  Revisions to this area will retrofit the curb to meet city standards regarding  curb cuts and ramps for new mailboxes.   The accessible route to the mailboxes continues to be via the ramps at the street corners and the existing sidewalks.

Newland received additional comments about this application from the city on July 2 and plans to respond to the city during the week of July 13.  Following final approval by the city, the Newland team will request bids from contractors and will then move forward with construction.

The anticipated timing for this (and many other projects around the country) has naturally seen a delay due to the restricted work hours for all parties involved during March – May of this year.  Newland currently anticipates completion this summer.

The plans for this area incorporates input from several community meetings.

May 20th, 2020 – Developer landscape updates

Now that Spring is here, Newland has several areas where landscape work will be occurring.

Filing 8 – Behind homes on S Winnipeg Ct and E. Bailey Cir. and along Inspiration Lane.

In the fall Brightview completed significant repair work behind model homes on S. Winnipeg Ct and E. Bailey Cir. The new native seed is growing very well. We continue to monitor this area and make minor adjustments to the drainage.

This spring we are extending the native seed remediation from behind the E. Bailey Cir. homes going south then west (adjacent to Inspiration Lane) to the corner of S. Versailles and E. Inspiration Lane. As well, there are a couple tree lawn areas adjacent to E. Inspiration Lane that require native seed and attention. There are some good stands of established native grass in this area that we will leverage and expand on.

Filing 8 Tract F – Open area around Hilltop Club

The common area to the east of the Hilltop Club, north of the tennis courts, west of the pool and south of the Hilltop Club will also receive additional fertilization and seed to help expand the native grass growth.

Filing 10 Phase 2 – South of Fletcher, west of Inspiration Lane, north of E Ignacio and along trail

The common areas between homes in Filing 10 Phase 2 will have landscape remediation completed in May that includes additional seeding and erosion control. The irrigation system will be initialized and adjusted to best support new native seed growth.

The common fence surrounding Filing 10 Phase 2 is on Newland’s maintenance list. The fence will be re-stained before the filing is turned over to the District. This date has not been set, but we hope this will occur this summer.

Filing 14 – Neighborhood off S Zante St backing to Inspiration ClubThis area outside of the common fence sees a lot of foot traffic and has hindered complete native establishment. As well, there has been a lot of drainage from residential irrigation which has washed away seed and soil. This area just outside of the common fence and two small tracts that touch interior streets require supplemental seeding. This remediation is scheduled to occur in May.

Filing 14 common fence will also be re-stained before it is turned over to the District.


April 24th, 2020 – Gartrell Road connection and Inspiration Drive reconstruction

The temporary bypass road at the western portion of Inspiration Dr. between North Travois Trail and Inspiration Lane has been completed. Starting the week of May 4th traffic will be temporarily routed to the bypass road while work occurs on this portion of Inspiration Dr.

Demolition of the intersection of E Rocky Top Ave. and S. Gartrell Rd. is scheduled to begin the week of April 27th. Residents will still be able to access the community using E. Rocky Top Ave.

Earthwork and subgrade preparation has also started on Inspiration Dr. Erosion control fence (silt fence) was installed along property lot lines. Heavy equipment will be working in this area for the next 3-4 weeks. After preparation is completed, storm sewer and dry utility work will begin. This is a combination of Phase 1 and Phase 3 work. Phase 1 will be completed by mid-July 2020*.

As Phase 1 is concluded, Phase 2 work will being. This phase includes construction and connection of Gartrell Road to the far eastern portion of Inspiration Dr. It is anticipated that Phase 2 will be completed in September 2020*.

Phase 3 construction includes the reconstruction and connection of Inspiration Dr. from the Inspiration Lane round about east to the new Gartrell Road connection. It is anticipated that Phase 3 will be completed in December 2020*.

*All dates, sequences and schedules are estimates, contingent on weather and are subject to change at any time.


March 27th, 2020 – Gartrell Road connection and Inspiration Drive reconstruction

Work continues on the western portion of Inspiration Dr. between North Travois Trail and Inspiration Lane.  The temporary bypass road has been completed. We anticipate that traffic will be re-routed and work on the Phase 1 portion of the project will begin in 30-60 days and be completed by mid-June*.

Phase 2 work has also started. Phase 2 scope includes the construction and connection of Gartrell Road to Inspiration Dr. It is anticipated that Phase 2 will be completed in November 2020*.

Phase 2 completion will launch Phase 3. Phase 3 will include the reconstruction of Inspiration Dr. from the Inspiration Lane round about east to the Gartrell Road connection. It is anticipated that Phase 3 will be completed in December 2020*.   *All dates are the best construction estimates, contingent on weather and are subject to change at any time.

February 18th, 2020 – Inspiration Drive & Gartrell Road Improvements

Work has begun on the western portion of Inspiration Dr. between North Travois Trail and Inspiration Lane.  The Phase 1 scope includes construction of a temporary bypass road that is parallel to the existing Inspiration Dr. The temporary road will allow uninterrupted usage of Inspiration Dr. and access to the Inspiration community via Inspiration Lane. Once Phase 1 road improvements are completed, traffic will be routed back to the improved Inspiration Dr. road and the temporary road will be removed. It is anticipated that Phase 1 will be completed in May 2020*.

After Phase 1 is completed, crews will move east to Phase 2. Phase 2 scope includes the construction and connection of Gartrell Road to Inspiration Dr. It is anticipated that Phase 2 will be completed in August 2020*.

Phase 2 completion will launch Phase 3. Phase 3 will include the reconstruction of Inspiration Dr. from the Inspiration Lane roundabout east to the Gartrell Road connection. It is anticipated that Phase 3 will be completed in December 2020*.  *All dates are subject to approvals, contingent on weather and are subject to change.

November 27th, 2019 – Landscape Open Spaces

This past spring and summer with frequent and intense thunderstorms falling on already saturated soils, it was particularly challenging for the establishment of new native grasses and other vegetation.

The management of Metropolitan District and Newland understands the frustration with these areas of new growth. Our teams continue to evaluate and implement landscape and engineering solutions for these areas. See exhibits below.

Erosion control work is complete on F8 behind the models; the work on F10 is more substantial. Evaluation will take place this spring with the intent to turn-over maintenance to the District in summer 2020.

Establishment of vegetation on F8 and F10 is on-going and will pick up again in the spring. Keep in mind that native grasses are low water, slow growing vegetation that are low maintenance once established.  These native grasses are designed to mimic what naturally occurs and are an important part of proactive water conservation in Colorado. Depending on a variety of factors, it can take at least 3 years, sometimes longer, to establish these grasses. Because of this intentional design, short term patience will provide long term benefit.

Newland and the District team are working closely together on these projects; however, to streamline communications, please utilize the resident concern form for any questions or comments.