Snow Removal

Snow & Ice Removal Responsibilities



Inspiration Metro District

Common area sidewalks and paths – 2″ depth or more

Areas adjacent to mailbox clusters – 1″ depth or more

City of Aurora

Streets (see detailed information below)


Brookfield / Newland

Common area sidewalks and paths

in areas not yet accepted into the District


Sidewalks adjacent to their property, including side if applicable


Sidewalks adjacent to homes under construction

Hilltop Club Association

Hilltop Club sidewalks and parking lot


Resource Links – City of Aurora


Snowplowing Map

City of Aurora

Which streets get plowed?

Snow removal information including the city’s Snow Plan and Snow Maps.

Aurora Snow Plowing Study Session- Feb 2023

Street Plowing Complaint

City of Aurora

How to complain about streets not plowed?

Contact Access Aurora at 303.739.7000 or file a complaint online at

Medical Emergency Street Plowing

I need to access medical care but streets aren’t plowed.

If you have a medical condition and need special access during or after a snow storm, call the police non-emergency line at 303.627.3100. They will coordinate with the City of Aurora’s Public Works Department to make sure your residence is accessible.

Help with Shoveling

I can’t shovel my own sidewalk.

If you cannot afford to hire out the snow clearing work to a private party, Snow Busters is an Aurora program designed to match volunteers with low-income residents needed help to clear their sidewalks. To get free assistance, the resident must be 60 years or older, or physically challenged, with a qualifying low income level.

Report a Neighbor Sidewalk Clearing Violation

How to report a property that has not been shoveled?

Contact Access Aurora at 303.739.7000 or file a complaint online at

Wait at least 24 hours from the last snowfall before reporting a violation on a neighbor’s property.

Icy Roads

After Initial Plowing

The snow / ice on plowed roads is hazardous

North-facing and shady areas on streets sometimes need attention.

Contact the City of Aurora’s Streets division at 303.326.8200 for any section of street that remains ice-packed or impassable after several days.

Snow Removal Map

PLEASE NOTE: Much of the area marked green on the map has been conveyed to Inspiration Metropolitan District and is now district responsibility.

snow removal priority routes