Community Services Center

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01/07/2025 – IMD: Building Construction Update, Keep your Vehicles Safe

We’re excited to share the latest progress on the community building project. Over the next few days, crews will be focused on completing framing and roofing work. Roofing installation is slated to begin on Friday and continue through the following week. Once the roof is in place, we’ll move on to spray foam insulation, followed by HVAC rough-in work the week after.

Please be aware that due to the nature of the construction and the weather, there may be some Saturday work days for our crews to ensure we stay on schedule. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to make strides toward completing the building!

Community Building

12/31/2024 – IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

Utilities and sanitary sewer connections have been completed, and the walls are now up. Roofing work is next on the schedule. The storm drainage line around the building is expected to be completed within the next three days. Additionally, the section of sidewalk along Glidden Drive has been repoured, cured, and is now open for use.

The next Inspiration Club Subcommittee meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 9, at 5:30 p.m. and is open to all residents.

Update: 12/23/2024 – IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

Construction of the new Community Building continues to make progress. On December 20th, crews poured the sidewalks and curb gutters to provide safe and accessible pathways and channel the rainwater away from the building. Work is also ongoing on the building’s walls, and roof trusses are scheduled for delivery early next week.

Construction Update Construction Update

Walls on Community Building Walls on Community Building

Update: 12/18/2024 IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

The base slab was poured last week, and wall framing is now underway with the roof trusses being delivered next week. Weather permitting, fresh concrete will be poured on Friday to repair sections of the sidewalk that had been cut as part of the water and sewer connection process. This portion of sidewalk will be inaccessible to foot traffic for a week while the concrete cures, please see the map below. Site cleanup and landscaping grading will follow shortly. Coordination with the City of Aurora for a hydrant flush is also underway. View the building construction webpage for more details.

Sidewalk Map

Update: 12/13/2024 IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

This week, the water and sewer lines were successfully connected, and the S Zante road closure is expected to end today. We appreciate the community’s patience during this disruption and thank you for your understanding.

The foundation concrete slab has been poured and cured, allowing work to begin on the building’s walls. Finishing the foundation required after-hours work on Wednesday night, we apologize for any inconvenience and are committed to ensuring this is a one-time occurrence.

Update: 12/06/2024 IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

Starting Monday morning (12/9/2024), there will be a temporary road closure with traffic control in place, on S Zante, between 8808 and 8798, to allow for necessary work connecting the water and sewer mains for the Inspiration Club construction.

The closure will begin on Monday, December 9th and is expected to be completed by Friday, December 13th. Please see the confirmed road closure map for additional details

Road Closure Map

Update: 12/04/2024 IMD: Holly Jolly this Saturday, Zante Street Road Closure

Due to the construction of the Community Services Center, a small portion of Zante Street is anticipated to close for a few days as early as next week. The dates of the road closure have not yet been scheduled, but we will send an update once they are confirmed. Meanwhile, building slabs are already being installed as part of the ongoing construction.

Update: 11/26/2024 IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

Foundation footings and walls have been poured, and backfill of the foundation is currently underway. The plumber is scheduled to start next week, followed by very minimal underground electrical work. The slab (floor) preparation and pour will take place once the plumbing and electrical work are complete.

Our team met with Aurora last Friday to finalize details about the road closure and paving, which is scheduled for the week of December 9th. Management will notify the two closest homes with a phone call and email, and other neighbors will be notified by email.

A new temporary address sign will soon be installed near the building, indicating the address as 23396 E Glidden Drive.

Road Closure Map

photo of site foundation being backfilled 1 of 2 photo of site foundation being backfilled 2 of 2

Update: 11/19/2024 IMD: Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

  • A small portion of Zante Street is anticipated to close for a few days in early December. This temporary closure will allow for all necessary connections and inspections to be completed at once, avoiding the need for an open trench for over six days.
  • The dates of the road closure have not yet been scheduled. We will send an update once the dates are confirmed. Please plan for alternate routes during this time and refer to the map below for details. Feel free to contact us with questions specific to your property.
  • Concrete footers were poured last Thursday, November 14th.
  • The foundation pour is planned for Wednesday, November 20th.

Update: 11/07/2024 Construction Update – Community Services Center Building

  • Concrete footers are scheduled to be poured this week, as weather allows. The next step is pouring the pad before walls start going up.
  • Our team met with Aurora Water to finalize plans for connecting to the water and sewer systems. We’ll provide more details about any necessary partial road closures, including a map, once dates are confirmed.
  • In the coming weeks, residents can expect to see additional concrete work on the walls and utility trenching around the site.

Update: 11/01/2024 Community Services Center Construction Update, Committee Member Applications

  • Trees and shrubs have been removed in preparation for construction and will be replanted in the spring.
  • Foundation grading was completed this week, and excavation for footers is nearly done.
  • Soil testing has been conducted, and footers will soon be poured to provide a stable foundation.
  • Expect saw cutting and demolition of existing asphalt and concrete in the coming days.
  • Crews are using water to minimize soil drifting.
  • Utility trenching work is scheduled for early November, which may require temporary road closures for safety. We’ll send out notifications as we approach this phase.
  • For everyone’s safety, please stay clear of the construction zone.
  • To receive detailed updates on Community Services Center construction, please subscribe by emailing [email protected]. These newsletters will automatically be sent to adjacent neighbors subscribed to the main email list. If you later wish to unsubscribe from construction-specific updates but continue receiving the regular newsletter, please email us directly instead of using the unsubscribe button. The unsubscribe button will remove you from both newsletters.
construction crew progress
construction crew progress
construction crew progress

Inspiration Community Services Center Project Overview

The new community building is designed to serve as a hub for community gatherings, district events and meetings, recreation, social programming, and equipment storage for both recreation and maintenance purposes.

Construction will begin in October 2024, anticipated completion is May/June 2025. 

Please obey signs and stay out of the construction zone and fenced areas.

Why This Project?
• Inspiration, with 1,916 homes, currently has no indoor communal space.
• The original master plan called for this type of community facility.
• This project is the culmination of a community-led effort that has spanned more than six years.
• The project is on track to stay within the planned $2.1 million budget.

Year-Round Activities & Programming
The community center will provide space for:
• Recreation and fitness programs
• Social events and resident gatherings
• District events and meetings
• Storage for recreational and maintenance equipment

Project Background
• The site was designated for a community facility in successive versions of the master plan.
• It was a primary objective of the 2021 bond refinancing and will complement the existing amenities and recreational spaces.
• The center’s multi-use design maximizes flexibility while serving the diverse needs of the Inspiration community.
• By consolidating activities into one building, the project conserves resources.

Building Location
Floor Plan
Mockup of front view elevation
Mockup of side view elevation