Meeting agendas can be found on the Inspiration Club Subcommittee page, usually a day before the meeting date. Zoom meeting link: Meeting ID: 863 732 2103 Or via telephone with dial in +1 669 900 6833
Trash pickup is every week. This week is trash only (no recycling). Contact Waste Connections for customer service, to report a missed pickup, or to arrange a special collection Call 303-288-2100 or use the Waste Connections phone app or visit their website:
Meeting agendas can be found on the Residential Improvement Guidelines Committee page, usually a day before the meeting date. Zoom meeting link: Meeting ID: 863 732 2103 Or via telephone with dial in +1 669 900 6833
INSPO's meetings are less formal now and we are happy to have anyone from the District join us with input or feedback on Social Events. Meeting ID: 863 732 2103 or dial in +1 669 900 6833